Dr. Linda Geven

Dr. Linda Geven is an assistant professor at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology at Leiden University in the Netherlands. Her research area is legal psychology, an applied field that examines social and cognitive processes involved in the criminal justice system. She especially focuses on factors impacting police interrogations, judicial decision-making and deception detection accuracy.


In my research, I mainly focus on false confessions, wrongful convictions, and potential biases in judicial decision-making.


I have taught more than 10 courses in bachelor and master programs in psychology, criminology and law, in addition to guest lectures and seminars.

Expert Witness

Since 2022, I work as an expert witness (under supervision) to submit my application to the NRGD’s registry of expert witnesses in the fields of evidence and statement validity.


Besides my other tasks, I serve on several boards and committees of national and international organizations.


I regularly serve as an expert in the media and give interviews on topics related to my expertise.


I am the co-founder of the European Registry of Exonerations, an online database of wrongful convictions in Europe.

If you want to discuss research collaborations or get in touch regarding a guest lecture or specific criminal case, feel free to reach out.


+31 71 5 27 27 27

Email Address


Office Address

Steenschuur 25

2311 ES Leiden

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