I frequently visit (inter)national conferences in the field of psychology and law.
Find a list of conference presentations below
Launch of the European Registry of Exonerations
Symposium co-organizer: The European Registry of Exonerations. With Dr. Teresa Schneider, Dr. Jenny Schell-Leugers, Prof. Saul Kassin, Prof. Geert-Jan Knoops, Mr. Carry Knoops-Hamburger, Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito.
European Association of Psychology and Law, Almada, Portugal
Symposium co-organizer: The shadow of doubt: Unraveling the impact of wrongful convictions. With Dr. Celine van Golde, Dr. Tinneke Van Camp, Dr. Lesley Zannella, Dr. Roosmarijn van Es and Dr. Nuria Sanchez.
Van Es, R. M. S. & Geven, L. M. (unpublished). Public perceptions about exonerees: A systematic literature review.
European Innocence Network Conference, Geneva, Switzerland
The European Registry of Exonerations (EUREX) – Keynote.
Wrongful convictions in Europe – Roundtable discussant.
American Psychology-Law Society, Los Angeles, United States
Symposium organizer: Beyond bars: Analyzing wrongful convictions and their ripple effects. With Dr. Jason Chin, Dr. Lesley Zannella, Andrew Madrigal and Prof. Brandon Garrett.
The European Registry of Exonerations (EUREX)
Symposium organizer: Future directions in interrogations and confessions. With Dr. Fabiana Alceste, Frances Storgion, Dr. Sara Appleby, Cecilia Stewart and Prof. Kyle Scherr.
Geven, L. M. & Klaassen, A. (unpublished). I guess I’m sorry? The influence of remorse and apology in (unreliable) confessions on perceptions of guilt.
European Association of Psychology and Law, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Symposium organizer: The European Registry of Exonerations (EUREX). With Prof. Ulf Stridbeck, Prof. Wojciech Jasinski, Dr. Melanie Sauerland and Dr. Nuria Sanchez.
The European Registry of Exonerations (EUREX).
Virtual International Investigative Interviewing Research Group Conference
The European Registry of Exonerations (EUREX).
European Society of Criminology, Florence, Italy
Symposium organizer: The European Registry of Exonerations (EUREX). With Dr. Robert Horselenberg, Dr. Enide Maeghermann and Dr. Lore Mergaerts.
The European Registry of Exonerations (EUREX).
European Society of Criminology, Malaga, Spain
Geven, L. M., et al. (2020). I did it! Or did I? Memory detection as a forensic tool to evaluate the veracity of a confession.
Virtual European Association of Psychology and Law Conference
Main conference organizer
Virtual Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition Conference
Organizing committee member
Australian Forensic Psychology Online Conference
Geven, L. M., et al. (2020). I did it! Or did I? Memory detection as a forensic tool to evaluate the veracity of a confession.
Virtual European Association of Psychology and Law Conference
Main organizer
European Association of Psychology and Law, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Geven, L. M., et al. (2020). I did it! Or did I? Memory detection as a forensic tool to evaluate the veracity of a confession.
Hebrew University Psychology Conference, Jerusalem, Israel
Geven, L. M. (2019). External Validity of the Concealed Information Test.
American Psychology – Law Society, Portland, United States
Geven, L. M., et al. (2018). Self-initiated versus instructed cheating in the physiological Concealed Information Test.
Geven, L. M., et al. (2020). I did it! Or did I? Memory detection as a forensic tool to evaluate the veracity of a confession. (Poster Presentation)
Geven, L. M., et al. (2018). It’s a match!? Appropriate Item Selection in the Concealed Information Test. (Poster Presentation)
International Investigative Interviewing Research Group, Porto, Portugal
Geven, L. M., et al. (2018). I did it! Or did I? Memory detection as a forensic tool to evaluate the veracity of a confession.
European Association of Psychology and Law, Turku, Finland
Geven, L. M., et al. (2018). It’s a match!? Appropriate Item Selection in the Concealed Information Test.
Society for Psychophysiological Research, Vienna, Austria
Symposium organizer: Liar, liar, pants on fire? Psychophysiological deception detection unraveled. With Prof. Gershon Ben-Shakhar, Prof. Peter Rosenfeld, Dr. Kristina Suchotzki and Dr. Ewout Meijer.
Geven, L. M., et al. (2018). Self-initiated versus instructed cheating in the physiological Concealed Information Test.
European Association of Psychology and Law, Mechelen, Belgium
Geven, L. M., et al. (2017). Memory based deception detection: Extending the cognitive signature of lying from instructed to self-initiated cheating.
European Association of Psychology and Law, Toulouse, France
Geven, L. M., et al. (2018). Self-initiated versus instructed cheating in the physiological Concealed Information Test. Geven, L. M., et al. (2018). It’s a match!? Appropriate Item Selection in the Concealed Information Test. (Poster Presentation)
ABC Symposium: Is sin original?
Blitz Talk Self-initiated versus instructed cheating in the Concealed Information Test.